Kacie & Jewels

Thursday, August 11, 2005

We went up to Mitch and Madi's a chouple days ago. We Played in the pool and I got to ride Dusty! She has a baby named Willy but he is too small to ride. Wouldn't it be cool to have your very own pony! It couple happin' These two are for sale.... Let me know if anyone knows of a good home that they go to. Posted by Picasa

We has a beautiful sun set on the farm Posted by Picasa

Hi everyone, just got ready for my school pictures. I will let you all know when I get them back. Posted by Picasa

You snooze, you loose! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A bit confused? It was 94 degree's outside and Kacie felt that a snow cap and mitten's were a must. Posted by Picasa

After having company this the last two weeks, my daughter has learned a little bit about babies. You can't tell by this picture but Jewelian has a baby blanket tied around her back to use like a sling, she is bouncing the baby and holding the binkie in place so it won't fall on the floor. Thank you Emmersyn for the lessons. I can tell that she is going to be a great mommy someday! Posted by Picasa

Finished it this morning. What do you think? Posted by Picasa